Are you talking hitching a fifth wheel?? If so, check
This system is easily installed (in fact if you are on my west coast tour I can install it for you!). It completely removes the need thereafter for fiddling with anything. YOu just hit a button to set the position you want to remember when you unhitch...then hit 'level' to level it...and later...when you are done camping..plug in your little handheld remote again and hit "seek" and voila! It automatically goes back to the hitch height. That at least removes one variable....the 'how high am I' variable. Then I would recommend a mirror system or some gadget to help actually back up to the right place. One of the guys at smartjaks might know of that too. Take care.-Bob
"ANETA NEWTON" <***> wrote in message news:MxTXc.14422$***
Hi folks,
I need help hitching as I'm a solo.
Any experience with Hind-Sight or SureShot camera systems? Does anybody know where I might find a wireless system? I'm not good at DIY.
I'm open for any suggestions.