Susan McIntosh
2004-08-03 23:13:03 UTC
As the reality of the world oil supply is becoming more transparent - even
to idiots like Ford Excursion and GM Suburban drivers, it only makes sense
to make it a law to make those idiots to share the cost burden.
A 500% gas guzzling tax should be and must be imposed on large SUVs as they
have driven up the demand for oil supply and they have pumped more
pollution to the air shared by everyone.
Since the morons who spend $50K on a vehicle would not feel the pinch with
$3.00/gal price tag, the civilized folks must show these barbaric creatures
that their stupid and irresponsible behavior would not be tolerated.
In addition to 500% gas guzzling tax, the full-size SUV owners should be
doing community work on the weekend such as cleaning public restrooms to
help them appreciate who they really are: the excrement of the society
regardless of their hefty bank accounts.
For those of us who feel the pinch at the gas pumps, we must realize that
the voracious consumption of gasoline by those bastards SUV owners is a
part of the cause for the high gas price AND your breathing difficulty.
The Bush administration is encouraging more super-size SUV on the road to
keep its friends on the executive boards of the auto industry happy. So, if
you consider super-size SUVs like the ugly Hummers as the public enemy No.
1, Bush and his unscrupulous cronies are also public eneny number one.
to idiots like Ford Excursion and GM Suburban drivers, it only makes sense
to make it a law to make those idiots to share the cost burden.
A 500% gas guzzling tax should be and must be imposed on large SUVs as they
have driven up the demand for oil supply and they have pumped more
pollution to the air shared by everyone.
Since the morons who spend $50K on a vehicle would not feel the pinch with
$3.00/gal price tag, the civilized folks must show these barbaric creatures
that their stupid and irresponsible behavior would not be tolerated.
In addition to 500% gas guzzling tax, the full-size SUV owners should be
doing community work on the weekend such as cleaning public restrooms to
help them appreciate who they really are: the excrement of the society
regardless of their hefty bank accounts.
For those of us who feel the pinch at the gas pumps, we must realize that
the voracious consumption of gasoline by those bastards SUV owners is a
part of the cause for the high gas price AND your breathing difficulty.
The Bush administration is encouraging more super-size SUV on the road to
keep its friends on the executive boards of the auto industry happy. So, if
you consider super-size SUVs like the ugly Hummers as the public enemy No.
1, Bush and his unscrupulous cronies are also public eneny number one.