Day Trip to France
(too old to reply)
2006-04-03 18:38:24 UTC

I've booked a daytrip to France. Will be taking the car from Dover to
Calais. Just wanted to find out if there's any decent places to visit,
things to do near Calais as I've heard its pretty dead there apart from the
big shopping city.

Graeme Wall
2006-04-03 18:46:28 UTC
Post by CLUCAS
I've booked a daytrip to France. Will be taking the car from Dover to
Calais. Just wanted to find out if there's any decent places to visit,
things to do near Calais as I've heard its pretty dead there apart from the
big shopping city.
There's the V2 rocket site and the V3 supergun site, try googling on
Mimoyeques for details.
Graeme Wall
This address is not read, substitute trains for rail.
Transport Miscellany at <http://www.greywall.demon.co.uk/rail/index.html>
David Long
2006-04-03 21:46:44 UTC
Post by CLUCAS
I've booked a daytrip to France. Will be taking the car from Dover to
Calais. Just wanted to find out if there's any decent places to visit,
things to do near Calais as I've heard its pretty dead there apart from the
big shopping city.
The run down the coast to Boulogne is quite pleasant, and Boulogne
itself is worth visiting - the walled town on the hill especially.
David Long
Sankey Canal Restoration Society http://www.scars.org.uk/
St. Mary's http://www.geocities.com/andrew_fishburn/stmary1.html
2006-04-03 21:46:35 UTC
Post by CLUCAS
Just wanted to find out if there's any decent places to visit,
things to do near Calais as I've heard its pretty dead there apart from the
big shopping city.
You're fairly far north, so Bruges (Belgium) is about 1.5 hours away from
Calais. You might also be able to take the ferry back to Calais from
nearby Oostende. I've only passed by Lille so I don't know much about it,
but it might be nice and its a little over an hour away.
To e-mail me, unmunge my address
2006-04-03 22:56:20 UTC
.... I've only passed by Lille so I don't know much about it,
but it might be nice...
Lille is quite a nice city to visit. We spent a few days there on arrival in
France in December, and liked it a lot.

-- Larry
David Long
2006-04-04 08:00:22 UTC
Post by pltrgyst
.... I've only passed by Lille so I don't know much about it,
but it might be nice...
Lille is quite a nice city to visit. We spent a few days there on arrival in
France in December, and liked it a lot.
It was the European Capital of Culture in 2004.... Fast but boring
(except for the cottage decorated with weapons fashioned out of scrap
beside the Autoroute north of Armentieres) drive down the motorways.
David Long
Sankey Canal Restoration Society http://www.scars.org.uk/
St. Mary's http://www.geocities.com/andrew_fishburn/stmary1.html
Cochon Capitaliste
2006-04-04 08:24:42 UTC
Just curious, why Calais for the day?
Graeme Wall
2006-04-04 09:41:43 UTC
Post by Cochon Capitaliste
Just curious, why Calais for the day?
Extended booze cruise perhaps?

When I go shopping in France (Portsmouth-Le Havre/Cherbourg usually) I make a
day of it and visit somewhere. D-Day beaches, Bayeux Tapestry, Caen or Rouen
Cathedral and so on. With a decent lunch in a village somewhere and a chance
to inflict my appalling French on the natives.
Graeme Wall
This address is not read, substitute trains for rail.
Transport Miscellany at <http://www.greywall.demon.co.uk/rail/index.html>
Cochon Capitaliste
2006-04-04 10:50:43 UTC
Appalling or not, speaking French in France is regarded as a sign of
respect. Besides you will often get a fresh slice of Tarte normande for
your attempt.. So come often, you French will improve, and have fun!
Graeme Wall
2006-04-04 16:03:43 UTC
Post by Cochon Capitaliste
Appalling or not, speaking French in France is regarded as a sign of
respect. Besides you will often get a fresh slice of Tarte normande for
your attempt.. So come often, you French will improve, and have fun!
Oh I do...
Graeme Wall
This address is not read, substitute trains for rail.
Transport Miscellany at <http://www.greywall.demon.co.uk/rail/index.html>
2006-04-04 19:29:26 UTC
Better appalling french from a friendly neighbour than no french at all from
a leftist political refugee living in the best part of Paris
Post by Graeme Wall
Post by Cochon Capitaliste
Appalling or not, speaking French in France is regarded as a sign of
respect. Besides you will often get a fresh slice of Tarte normande for
your attempt.. So come often, you French will improve, and have fun!
Oh I do...
Graeme Wall
This address is not read, substitute trains for rail.
Transport Miscellany at <http://www.greywall.demon.co.uk/rail/index.html>
2006-04-04 18:32:31 UTC
Post by Cochon Capitaliste
Just curious, why Calais for the day?

We just wanted a Day trip in France. The only reason I mentioned Calais is
because that's where the ferry stops. Will probably visit some of the
places suggested in the previous posts, then if there's time take a look
around the Cite Europe.

2006-04-04 15:08:08 UTC
We have some great information on day trips from our company Doorways,
Ltd.... we do not post it for everyone, it is on a secret site.... of

Here is a direct link to the French Information. If you need any
suggestions, please call our program manager Laura.


Have a great time in France...

Monica Contrisciano, Doorways Villa Vacations
Italian, French and Spanish Villa Rentals and European Information
Yves Dessaux
2006-04-07 08:18:57 UTC
Post by CLUCAS
I've booked a daytrip to France. Will be taking the car from Dover to
Calais. Just wanted to find out if there's any decent places to visit,
things to do near Calais as I've heard its pretty dead there apart from the
big shopping city.
There are a lot of stuffs to visit around Calais. Depends whether your
are willing to travel by car close, a bit away, or not...

A few examples :
. At Boulogne, nausicaa (see web site)
. Around St Omer, a boat trip in he marais audemarois (very quiet swamp
. Mimoyecques = V1/V2 lauch site
. Eperlecques = V1 V2 lauch site + very interesting WW museum
. etc...

For shopping, department stores accept often sterling pounds, and have a
to your car delivery system. Most opalces have english pseaking
sellers... Business is business.


2006-04-07 22:04:45 UTC
Post by Yves Dessaux
There are a lot of stuffs to visit around Calais. Depends whether your are
willing to travel by car close, a bit away, or not...
. At Boulogne, nausicaa (see web site)
. Around St Omer, a boat trip in he marais audemarois (very quiet swamp
. Mimoyecques = V1/V2 lauch site
. Eperlecques = V1 V2 lauch site + very interesting WW museum
. etc...
For shopping, department stores accept often sterling pounds, and have a
to your car delivery system. Most opalces have english pseaking sellers...
Business is business.
Thanks...some great ideas :-)
2006-04-13 09:18:21 UTC
Post by CLUCAS
Post by Yves Dessaux
For shopping, department stores accept often sterling pounds, and have a
to your car delivery system. Most opalces have english pseaking
sellers... Business is business.
Thanks...some great ideas :-)
...meanwhile french goes to Belgium to buy cigarettes or gas or food. Funny
isnt it?
Mais où vont les belges??
Graeme Wall
2006-04-13 10:03:53 UTC
Post by Scrat
Post by CLUCAS
Post by Yves Dessaux
For shopping, department stores accept often sterling pounds, and have
a to your car delivery system. Most opalces have english pseaking
sellers... Business is business.
Thanks...some great ideas :-)
...meanwhile french goes to Belgium to buy cigarettes or gas or food.
Funny isnt it? Mais où vont les belges??
They take their caravans and head for the Mediterranean coast. All with
little lace curtains in the windows!
Graeme Wall
This address is not read, substitute trains for rail.
Transport Miscellany at <http://www.greywall.demon.co.uk/rail/index.html>
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