Trans-Canadian highway
(too old to reply)
Harry Drasin
2005-07-19 17:32:45 UTC
I have been considering driving from East to West along the trans-Canadian
highway. I have read a report that the highway surface is not in good
condition in many places due to the effects of severe weather (winter),
that it is mostly a 2 Lane Hwy, that it is not recommended for
automobiles, and that there are a very large number of big trucks that use
the road. I am concerned because I have a bad back and need to drive on
roads that are smooth and well surfaced. No one I know has traveled the
road. I am traveling in an Acura 2 Wheel Drive car.
Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions would be sincerely appreciated.
I thank you all in advance,
The Dungeon Devil
2005-08-06 10:57:04 UTC
Post by Harry Drasin
I have been considering driving from East to West along the trans-Canadian
highway. I have read a report that the highway surface is not in good
condition in many places due to the effects of severe weather (winter),
that it is mostly a 2 Lane Hwy, that it is not recommended for
automobiles, and that there are a very large number of big trucks that use
the road. I am concerned because I have a bad back and need to drive on
roads that are smooth and well surfaced. No one I know has traveled the
road. I am traveling in an Acura 2 Wheel Drive car.
Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions would be sincerely appreciated.
I thank you all in advance,
Where there is a large population, the road can be up to 16 lanes. In
out of the way places in Atlantic Canada there is still some 2 lane
sections. If your back can take some of the shit assed roads I've had to
negotiate in the u.s., then any major highway in Canada will work fine.
Keep in mind, the climate does not change due to the border. Winter
comditions in North America can be brutal on road surfaces. Generally,
roads in these colder regions are resurfaced often enough to make them
viable. Its the nurds driving on them that make them hard to navigate.
2005-10-15 12:40:19 UTC

are you allready on the road?`

