Michelle T.
2006-10-15 05:52:42 UTC
So you thought you could find peace and quiet in national parks? Think
again. National parks like the Yosemite is any thing but peace and quiet.
First you would see the same assholes you are running away from in the
city. Long line every where and the traffic is just as bad as where you
are running away from. You'd find tons of super obnoxious vehicles (SUV)
every where in the park (on paved roads!). On top of all that, you'd find
yourself getting shafted by privately run concessions (private
corporation) whose main mission is to clear out your pocketbook. It
almost seems like a scam! Also, each entry costs you $20. With all the
high taxes the fed sucks out of your paychecks, you'd still have to pay
out of your ear to 'relax'.
This reinforces what this country is developing into: a third world
country. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting shafted by
a corporate-controlled government and corporations themselves.
There's a golf court in Yosemite NP just to cater to the rich right in
the middle of the wilderness. And these rich scum are claiming "roughing
it" in their wilderness experience. It would serve the society good if we
could feed those obnoxious rich bastards with Super Ugly Vehicles to the
I even saw a Ford Excursion with business logo painted on the back window
that read "Darien Causer Hardwood Floors Tel (714) 962-4044" polluting
the air of Yosemite NP. Apparently the owner of the SUV has taken
advantage of the sleazy tax law lobbied by SUV manufacturers and
supported by the corrupt Republican government: The Bush government gives
tax break (100% write off!)to businesses for the purchase of SUVs. In
effect, the owner of Darien Causer Hardwood Floors was enjoying his
vacation at the expense of taxpayers and contributing to the destruction
of the environment with his obnoxious and irresponsible actions. And this
is the type of idiots you would find in abundance when you seek peace and
quiet in nature these days.
So the next time you are planning on a vacation, think again. Perhaps
staying home would be a wiser choice?
again. National parks like the Yosemite is any thing but peace and quiet.
First you would see the same assholes you are running away from in the
city. Long line every where and the traffic is just as bad as where you
are running away from. You'd find tons of super obnoxious vehicles (SUV)
every where in the park (on paved roads!). On top of all that, you'd find
yourself getting shafted by privately run concessions (private
corporation) whose main mission is to clear out your pocketbook. It
almost seems like a scam! Also, each entry costs you $20. With all the
high taxes the fed sucks out of your paychecks, you'd still have to pay
out of your ear to 'relax'.
This reinforces what this country is developing into: a third world
country. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting shafted by
a corporate-controlled government and corporations themselves.
There's a golf court in Yosemite NP just to cater to the rich right in
the middle of the wilderness. And these rich scum are claiming "roughing
it" in their wilderness experience. It would serve the society good if we
could feed those obnoxious rich bastards with Super Ugly Vehicles to the
I even saw a Ford Excursion with business logo painted on the back window
that read "Darien Causer Hardwood Floors Tel (714) 962-4044" polluting
the air of Yosemite NP. Apparently the owner of the SUV has taken
advantage of the sleazy tax law lobbied by SUV manufacturers and
supported by the corrupt Republican government: The Bush government gives
tax break (100% write off!)to businesses for the purchase of SUVs. In
effect, the owner of Darien Causer Hardwood Floors was enjoying his
vacation at the expense of taxpayers and contributing to the destruction
of the environment with his obnoxious and irresponsible actions. And this
is the type of idiots you would find in abundance when you seek peace and
quiet in nature these days.
So the next time you are planning on a vacation, think again. Perhaps
staying home would be a wiser choice?
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