Cheap rental car?
(too old to reply)
- Loco By Nature -
2005-03-16 20:04:10 UTC
Where is the cheapest place to rent a car in USA? I wanna pick it up in
Houston and drop it of in Wachington DC.
© L o c o
E-mail: stefan_hstd(at) H O T M A I L . C O M
2005-03-17 00:21:46 UTC
Post by - Loco By Nature -
Where is the cheapest place to rent a car in USA? I wanna pick it up in
Houston and drop it of in Wachington DC.
Good question .... I was wonder that, too.

Sometimes you can run an ad in the paper and find someone who
needs their car driven from point A to point B.

- Loco By Nature -
2005-03-17 05:02:17 UTC
Post by p***@ix.netcom.com
Good question .... I was wonder that, too.
Sometimes you can run an ad in the paper and find someone who
needs their car driven from point A to point B.
Yeah, I also found this place http://www.autodriveaway.com/, but that's too
complicated, since I live in Euorope and wanna plan my trip way ahead. I
simply wanna rent a car, so the question remains...
© L o c o
E-mail: stefan_hstd(at) H O T M A I L . C O M
2005-03-18 01:08:17 UTC
Post by - Loco By Nature -
Where is the cheapest place to rent a car in USA? I wanna pick it up in
Houston and drop it of in Wachington DC.
Then maybe you don't care that the absolute cheapest place in the whole
country to rent a car is Amidon, North Dakota. I don't know if that would
still hold if by "USA" you'd count US possessions like Puerto Rico,
Micronesia, the US Virgin Islands, or Navassa Island. Perhaps you're more
interested in cheap car rentals in the Houston Texas area?
Not the Karl Orff
2005-03-23 20:52:45 UTC
Post by - Loco By Nature -
Where is the cheapest place to rent a car in USA? I wanna pick it up in
Houston and drop it of in Wachington DC.
Renting in Texas won't be cheap due to George Bush taxes. Some tips,
try renting away from airports. Rtaes might go up or down and also
certain taxes may not apply.

National is usually best for one way rates. No drop off fees usually.
2005-03-26 01:09:46 UTC
Post by - Loco By Nature -
Where is the cheapest place to rent a car in USA? I wanna pick it up in
Houston and drop it of in Wachington DC.
Care to share with us WHEN you want to rent? This makes all the
difference in determining the answer.
- Loco By Nature -
2005-04-04 17:32:35 UTC
Post by BigBear
Care to share with us WHEN you want to rent? This makes all the
difference in determining the answer.
© L o c o
E-mail: stefan_hstd(at) H O T M A I L . C O M