Post by I.C. ParisPost by Jim LogajanThere are some fairly well known tips on avoiding driving fatigue and
road hypnosis (e.g. )
but I'm wondering what unusual or different ideas people have found
useful for avoiding those problems on long drives?
1. Sexual fantasies
Rolling over and falling asleep after having them might be an issue,
Post by I.C. Paris2. Radio way too loud
What did you say!?
Sorry if I seem a little chilly to that idea.
Post by I.C. Paris4. Vivarin - more than the recommended dosage (not if you plan on
stopping for the night in the next 8 hours)
How about drinking a ton of coffee - caffeine buzz and a full bladder!
Post by I.C. Paris5. Drive real fast and watch for cops
Already got that one covered. ;-)
Post by I.C. Paris6. Target another driver for harassment, hopefully one who'll respond
aggressively, play cat-&-mouse
Falling asleep at the wheel sounds like a safer bet....
Post by I.C. Paris7. Worry intensely about a problem in your life till real fear sets in
Ah, now that might work!
Post by I.C. Paris8. Eat/drink something that gives you a bellyache
Suggestion 7 might accomplish the same thing: worry so intensely about my
mortality and how I'll eventually die could make me sick to my stomach.
Post by I.C. Paris9. Uncomfortably full bladder
Right - plenty of coffee it is!
Post by I.C. Paris10. Drive on the lane/shoulder warning bumps
With my eyes open or closed?
Post by I.C. Paris11. Stop at a rough-looking unfamiliar bar & order a Pepsi
I've actually done that (well, diet Pepsi) and nothing came of it.
I appreciate the interesting responses, anyway! I've also seen someone
suggest chewing in a an old Google groups archived message.