Boycott Gettysburg
(too old to reply)
2006-05-03 18:24:10 UTC
We loved Gettysburg; got married there, considered moving there, took dozens
of week-long trips, spent many thousands of dollars there. But those days
are over thanks to park superintendent John Latschar. He's ruining the
battlefield while calling it restoration. Desecration is more descriptive.
We decided if we spent another dime there we'd be supporting the
destruction. Trees are being ripped out by the acre. The deer have been
slaughtered. Standing on Little Round Top on a Nov. evening is something
everyone should be able to experience, but he shortened the hours. Now
you'll be ticketed and labeled criminals. He likes saying, "The time for
comment was during the planning, not now." Well, Bozo, the public DID
comment, but you ignored them with your self-centered agenda. Thousands
have voiced their concern, but you act as though the battlefield is your own
private domain. It belongs to the taxpayers, not an arrogant government
appointed freeloader. Ghost hunters have been turned away in droves. Not
only is the town losing a fortune toward the local economy, the park is
losing thousands of watchful eyes from some of the most respectful visitors.
Those with evil intent will always gain access at night as was proven by the
recent vandalism, closing the park merely keeps the good folks out. John
Latschar has, in affect, given vandals free rein during the off season.
Attendance is lagging, he blames everything except his own bumbling
policies. He moans about never having enough money, yet continues wasting
funds on mindnumbingly senseless projects that divide the townspeople and
drive others away. It's typical government ineptness. Looks like John
Latschar sits around dreaming up new ways to piss people off. If he's not
shooting the wildlife he's screwing with direction of traffic. If not that
he'll come up with some other dumbass plan. Will John Latschar donate the
lost revenue from his own pocket? LOL! Chances are he'll eventually move on
to another location leaving his mess behind for someone else, much as he did
in the past. The only thing worse than allowing John Latschar to inflict so
much damage to such hallowed ground is; too few have the balls to do
anything about it. Talk is cheap, holding back spending speaks volumes.
We're doing our part. Good bye Gettysburg. You were our favorite place on
Earth until John Latschar raped you. Now you're just a memory.
The List Man
2006-05-07 22:50:35 UTC
Post by Tom
We loved Gettysburg; got married there, considered moving there, took dozens
of week-long trips, spent many thousands of dollars there. But those days
are over thanks to park superintendent John Latschar. He's ruining the
battlefield while calling it restoration. Desecration is more descriptive.
We decided if we spent another dime there we'd be supporting the
destruction. Trees are being ripped out by the acre. The deer have been
slaughtered. Standing on Little Round Top on a Nov. evening is something
everyone should be able to experience, but he shortened the hours. Now
you'll be ticketed and labeled criminals. He likes saying, "The time for
comment was during the planning, not now." Well, Bozo, the public DID
comment, but you ignored them with your self-centered agenda. Thousands
have voiced their concern, but you act as though the battlefield is your own
private domain. It belongs to the taxpayers, not an arrogant government
appointed freeloader. Ghost hunters have been turned away in droves. Not
only is the town losing a fortune toward the local economy, the park is
losing thousands of watchful eyes from some of the most respectful visitors.
Those with evil intent will always gain access at night as was proven by the
recent vandalism, closing the park merely keeps the good folks out. John
Latschar has, in affect, given vandals free rein during the off season.
Attendance is lagging, he blames everything except his own bumbling
policies. He moans about never having enough money, yet continues wasting
funds on mindnumbingly senseless projects that divide the townspeople and
drive others away. It's typical government ineptness. Looks like John
Latschar sits around dreaming up new ways to piss people off. If he's not
shooting the wildlife he's screwing with direction of traffic. If not that
he'll come up with some other dumbass plan. Will John Latschar donate the
lost revenue from his own pocket? LOL! Chances are he'll eventually move on
to another location leaving his mess behind for someone else, much as he did
in the past. The only thing worse than allowing John Latschar to inflict so
much damage to such hallowed ground is; too few have the balls to do
anything about it. Talk is cheap, holding back spending speaks volumes.
We're doing our part. Good bye Gettysburg. You were our favorite place on
Earth until John Latschar raped you. Now you're just a memory.
I agree with your comments here about John Latschar. He did get a little
support during the taking down of the Gettysburg Tower which took away
from the original landscape. However, I agree that closing the park early
in place of having to hire adequate park security is indeed harming the
tourism as well as the economy of the town. I am also familiar with some
of his shortfalls as far as restoration is concerned with the battlefield.

We should just write to or phone the National Park Service at http://www.nps.gov
rather than boycotting Gettysburg. Mr. Latschar was appointed by them, and they
are the ones we need to be writing to if we feel that Mr. Latschar is not
doing a good job. Let them know how we feel, and perhaps they will either
reprimand him or relieve him of his duties. If you really want something
to be done about him, this is what you have to be doing.

Bottom Line...
The List Man
2006-05-08 11:52:47 UTC
I concur with you on Gettysburg. Gettysburg should be supported, and
if there are disagreements with decisions made by park supervisors,
those should be made known. There is so much right with Gettysburg,
that I often have to remind myself, when things I don't agree with
happen, about the positives. The downtown area is becoming more
accessible with tours and interpretation, including the Wills House
restoration by the Park Service, as well as the theatre and downtown
Train Station/Visitor Center. Some of the restoration of the areas
like Devil's Den, with the deforestation program, are tough to see, but
I guess I have to remind myself that it is about the time period of
1863 and not what I'm used to, and liked to see. I did not agree with
the limit on park hours. I certainly do not want a casino coming there
or any of the housing developments that are likely to ring the town.
But if we want Gettysburg to remain or stay close to what we like, we
should not boycott it, but support those who agree with our views and
try to maintain it (i.e. Friends, NPCA), while letting those in the
Park Service know when we disagree.

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