...and the winner is...
(too old to reply)
Road Judge
2004-06-18 07:05:09 UTC
After several thousand miles of cross country, I've come to a conclusion:

the biggest a-holes on the road are usually Californians. 9 out of 10
vehicles with excessive speed and reckless driving manuvers had California
license plates.

The question is: is it a cultural thing or is it just true that California
drives are born a-holes? Also the majority of these a-holes drove large
SUVs like the Expedition and Excursions.

So it is a likely conclusion that most California drivers are not only a-
holes but they are also a bunch of abhorable moronic irresponsible maniacs.
Kenneth Crudup
2004-06-18 14:18:41 UTC
Post by Road Judge
the biggest a-holes on the road are usually Californians. 9 out of 10
vehicles with excessive speed and reckless driving manuvers had California
license plates.
Interesting. I've lived in the East (incl. the "infamous" Boston), and
the Midwest and visited the South on plenty of occasions, and the con-
clusion *I* come to WRT California drivers is how oblivious, clueless
and brake-happy they are.

Then again, if you think they drive with "excessive speed" (why do you
care, anyway?) that's probably more of an indictment of *your* driving
skills than theirs.

Kenneth R. Crudup Sr. SW Engineer, Scott County Consulting, Los Angeles
H: 3630 S. Sepulveda Blvd. #138, L.A., CA 90034-6809 (310) 391-1898
W: 26601 Agoura Road, Calabasas, CA 91302-1959 (818) 444-3685
2004-06-18 14:23:06 UTC
Post by Road Judge
the biggest a-holes on the road are usually Californians. 9 out of 10
vehicles with excessive speed and reckless driving manuvers had California
license plates.
The question is: is it a cultural thing or is it just true that California
drives are born a-holes? Also the majority of these a-holes drove large
SUVs like the Expedition and Excursions.
So it is a likely conclusion that most California drivers are not only a-
holes but they are also a bunch of abhorable moronic irresponsible maniacs.
Never ascribe to malice what can be better explained by ignorance and

My experience with californians, and that includes the 5 years I lived in
Southern California, is that they are just merely incompetent. The standard
SoCal lane change is to optionaly turn on your turn signal (to prove what
a wonderfull driver you are), close your eyes, and slowly drift into the
lane of choice.

The worst driver are in cities where there are a lot of first or second
generation drivers either from immigration or from people coming off the
rural farms. I've driven in just about all the states except the
deep southeast and the worst were Missouri. Not the slightest clue there that
the passing lane was for passing.

A new kind of driver emerging is the impatient driver (to the point of
brain death). They can't even wait one fucking second for anything. If one
of these types wants to change lanes, they won't wait for a gap in the
traffic. They'll force their way into the 7' between cars.
Scott in Aztlán
2004-06-18 15:29:28 UTC
That you're a pathetic excuse for a troll?

C'mon, even Judy can do better than that!!
Sloth is the first deadly sin.
2004-06-18 15:41:22 UTC
Post by Road Judge
the biggest a-holes on the road are usually Californians. 9 out of 10
vehicles with excessive speed and reckless driving manuvers had California
license plates.
The question is: is it a cultural thing or is it just true that California
drives are born a-holes? Also the majority of these a-holes drove large
SUVs like the Expedition and Excursions.
So it is a likely conclusion that most California drivers are not only a-
holes but they are also a bunch of abhorable moronic irresponsible maniacs.
No, they just expect as good as lane discipline in other states as in CA.
KRETP, doofus.

Floyd (just back from a trip down I5 from Seattle to S. CA)
2004-06-18 16:02:39 UTC
cross country what? Skiing? Trolling? Enquiring minds want to know.
Post by Road Judge
the biggest a-holes on the road are usually Californians. 9 out of 10
vehicles with excessive speed and reckless driving manuvers had California
license plates.
The question is: is it a cultural thing or is it just true that California
drives are born a-holes?
I always thought that the born assholes were from new jersey.
Post by Road Judge
Also the majority of these a-holes drove large
SUVs like the Expedition and Excursions.
My experiences are that drivers of large suvs are assholes regardless of what state
they are from.

2004-06-18 16:33:18 UTC
Post by Road Judge
the biggest a-holes on the road are usually Californians. 9 out of 10
vehicles with excessive speed and reckless driving manuvers had California
license plates.
The question is: is it a cultural thing or is it just true that California
drives are born a-holes? Also the majority of these a-holes drove large
SUVs like the Expedition and Excursions.
So it is a likely conclusion that most California drivers are not only a-
holes but they are also a bunch of abhorable moronic irresponsible maniacs.
It's a lot worse than that. They're psychopathic murderers.
2004-06-18 21:56:58 UTC
Post by Road Judge
the biggest a-holes on the road are usually Californians. 9 out of 10
vehicles with excessive speed and reckless driving manuvers had California
license plates.
Every Californian I have seen on the road has driven a car. None have
been as bad as the average Midwest driver.
